Putin Moonlighted as a taxi driver to survive after the Soviet fell – News2IN
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Putin Moonlighted as a taxi driver to survive after the Soviet fell

Written by news2in

Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin said the collapse of the Soviet Union spelled the end of “Russian History”, revealed that he drove a taxi to meet our needs.
Putin, a former Soviet Union KGB security agent, who had previously regretted the fall of the Soviet Union, said the disintegration of three decades then remained “tragedy” for “most citizens”.
Putin’s comments, released by TV State on Sunday, tended to further speculate fuel about his country’s policy intention among the critics, who accused him of planning to recreate the Soviet Union and reflect on the attack on Ukraine, the idea that the Kremlin was feared as fears.
“It was a historic Russian disintegration with the name Soviet Union,” Putin said about the 1991 farewell, in a comment on Sunday as part of a documentary called “Russian.
New history”, the news agency reported.
“We turn into a completely different country.
And what has been built more than 1,000 years is mostly lost,” Putin said, said 25 million Russians in new independence countries suddenly found themselves cut off from Russia, parts From what he called “a major humanity tragedy”.
Putin was also explained for the first time how he was affected by a difficult economic period that followed the Soviet collapse, when Russia suffered two digit inflation.
“Sometimes (I) have to pass the moonlight and drive a taxi.
It’s not fun to talk about this but, unfortunately, this also happens,” said the President.
A servant who loyal to the Soviet Union, Putin was disappointed when it was a mess, after mentioning the collapse of the “biggest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century”.
Putin, had previously called the collapse of the Soviet Union as the “largest geopolitical disaster” 20th century.

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