Question of Governor of West Bengal Promise VC – News2IN
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Question of Governor of West Bengal Promise VC

Written by news2in

Kolkata: The Governor of Bengal has questioned the appointment of Chancellor of Chancellor up to 24 public universities – including Calcutta, Presidency and University of Jadavpur – by noting that this was made without chancellor’s approval, which happened to be a legal authority.
Dhankhar’s Jagdeep Governor also warned he would “take action” unless the appointment of “recalled immediately”.
“This is ex-facie in chasing special orders or without approval by Chancellor,” he tweeted on Thursday.
Minister of Education Bengal Bratya Basu did not enter into debate with Dhankhar but remember poems in the ‘Abol Tabolic’ Sukumar Ray (Strange and Absurd) – “When Germany, Tagai Eka, Tembuo Jagai Lore (There are seven Germany and Jogai all the skills, but Jogai took They are all alone) “- Responding to Jibe Governor.
TMC MP Saugata Roy said all appointments “sequentially” and added that efforts to remove Dhankhar from the Governor’s post.

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