Ram Vilalas Paswan Made Installed in Delhi Bungalow – News2IN

Ram Vilalas Paswan Made Installed in Delhi Bungalow

Ram Vilalas Paswan Made Installed in Delhi Bungalow
Written by news2in

Patna: The joint villages of Ramwan has been installed at 12, Janpath Road Bungalow in Delhi, which was given to him as a minister of States.
Now it is occupied by his son and Jamui MP Chirag Paswan, who has been asked to empty him and the bungalow has been allocated to the Minister of Ashwini Vaishnaw Railway.
Meanwhile, Vaishali MP Veena Devi reached Patna on Monday and said now he is the Chairman of the LJP Parliament Council.
“Chirag may be a party leader, but I have been nominated to the position of chairman of the LJP parliamentary council by the National Party President and Minister of Union Pashupati Kumar Paras,” he said.
Meanwhile, the former parliamentarian member of Bali, Surajbhan Singh, has supported the demand for changing 12, Janpath Road Bungalow into Memorial Vilas RAM.

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