Relieved teen Vax is fluent about the tryst with the first jab – News2IN
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Relieved teen Vax is fluent about the tryst with the first jab

Relieved teen Vax is fluent about the tryst with the first jab
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Being a teenager is not easy – from acne to enjoy learning, life is a Smorgasbord challenge.
Monday may have made a living at the time of a slightly easier pandemic for more than 40 lakh boys between 15 and 18 who got their first jab against Covid in the midst of enthusiasm, excitement and relief.
“I really want to get my vaccine.
I have read all about it and made me get information,” Shashank Shenoy said from the East DPS in Bengaluru, after getting Vaxed on campus.
“My message to my friends is to get vaccinations as soon as possible because this is the only way we can get the confidence to come out, go back to school and start our lives again.” In all of the government centers and campuses that have organized the camp in collaboration with private hospitals in many cities, teenagers come in droves, babbling, taking selfies and having their groupfies on the sidelines of Jabed.
“It’s like a vaccination festival for students.
They are happy to finally become inoculation and that too, at their own school.
With the omicron variant now here, it starts vaccination for teenagers and allows school to ‘self center’ is a wise step and attention,” said Col Kr Pratap Singh (RET), chairman of the Colonel Central Academy in Gurgaon.
“It is clear that if there is no department, the board will be offline.
So there is clarity among parents and students that at the time (board is held), students will be fully vaccinated.
So, this is a great psychological relief for us and parents We, “said Abhigyan Singh, a class XII student.
But not every parent seemed excited to line up on the first day.
In Bhopal, HAH MALIVIYA, father of a 17-year-old boy, said he chose to delay the vaccination of his son because the 12th class council exam would coincide with the second dose in February.
“If he has a fever for one or two days, he might be disturbed.
I don’t want to take risks with his studies.” Bhopal Resident Akash Bhargava, whose children in the 10th grade, said he was “waiting to see the side effects of vaccination in other children “Before receiving a call about whether it will please with it.

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