Replica of the 18th century trading ship Sweden to sail to Asia – News2IN

Replica of the 18th century trading ship Sweden to sail to Asia

Replica of the 18th century trading ship Sweden to sail to Asia
Written by news2in

Stockholm: The cannon fired a strong salute, a full-size replica of the gunman who sank in 1745 sailing to the port in the capital of Sweden on Thursday, ahead of the trip to Asia next year.
Drawing a crowd in every port he visited, Gotheborg Sweden, which is almost 60 meters (197 feet) billed by the largest operational wood sailing ship in the world and will be used to promote Swedish business and culture, and advocate for sustainability.
This was the first time in six years after three ship which had left his home port in West Sweden, so the trip offered the opportunity to bring a new crew to speed.
“The ship is actually made for the ocean sea,” said Marielle Cocozza 26 years, the second in command.
“He missed the ocean and travel to Stockholm this was to prepare us to work together and I thought it was achieved.” In 1745, the original Gotheborg planted and drowned outside the port of Goteborg’s house at the end of the third trip to China.
More than 130 men were on board, and everything survived.
The ship was owned by the Swedish East Indian company, which was traded with China and completed a total of 132 trips with 37 ships to stop operating in 1813.
The vessel ruins were found in 1984, triggering ideas for building replicas.
The work began in 1995, and the ship was launched eight years later.
Voyage Maiden from Goteborg to Stockholm was made in 2005.
Between 2005-2007 the ship sailed with historical routes to Asia and returned.
The latest of several voyages throughout Europe in 2015.
“Since our last expedition to China, we have been looking forward to this,” said the captain of the ship, August Jansson.
“Now it looks like it will come true so we are all very happy.” Gotheborg Sweden will remain in Stockholm until September 4, after that he will go home and get ready to face departure in April 2022 for the far east through the Suez canal.
Although the right route has not been established, it stops planning in London, Lisbon, Palma de Mallorca, Athens, Alexandria, Djibouti, Muscat, Chennai, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai City.

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