RIr: Various depts operate to improve Vax drives – News2IN
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RIr: Various depts operate to improve Vax drives

RIr: Various depts operate to improve Vax drives
Written by news2in

Jaipur: Aiming to increase Covid vaccination, the Ministry of Health has prepared an action plan where he has tied government agencies and indifferent departments to encourage people who come out of vaccination drive to get shots.
The unvaxxed recipient list will be prepared and they will be asked to explain the same reason.
Asha workers and the wise of the child’s department will prepare a list of beneficiaries.
They will motivate people like that to go to vaccination centers.
Midwives Nurse Help the Department of Health will relate to Asha and Anganwadi workers to register and will bring these people to vaccination centers.
In addition, the agricultural department observer will also visit these people’s homes and encourage them to get JAB two days before the camp is arranged in their area.
The Ministry of Education has been asked to create a positive attitude towards vaccination with the help of the principal.
Public representatives of the local self-governance department will encourage beneficiaries to get their doses in urban areas.
Pancayati Village Development Officers Raj Department, Sarpanch, and other public representatives will also encourage unvaxxed people.
The income department officer will also produce awareness of the cause.

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