Rough weather increases the restless police suffering – News2IN
Ranchi Uncategorized

Rough weather increases the restless police suffering

Written by news2in

Ranchi: Hundreds of police assistants who protested at Ground Morhabadi since September 27 for regularization their services refused to give up even in the face of bad weather for eight days.
On Sunday night, Ranchi’s storm barriers that blew emergency tents that they had built on the protest site.
Many of them still stand up with their belongings while the police women, who protested with their children, were in a situation that was even worse.
Frustrated with the situation, the police began to shout slogans in the middle of the night asking the government to meet their demands.
One Ajay Mandal said: “Wind and strong rainfall has blew our tents and tidy up our belongings more than once during the ongoing agitation.
Unfortunately the state government has not noticed our demands.” The police were faced with lack of food and water.
Administration has provided a water tanker in the venue but is not sufficient to meet their requirements.
On Monday, BJP President and Rajya Sabha MP Deepak Prakash and Ranchi MLA C P Singh visited the protest site and expressed their solidarity with their agitation.
Prakash said, “You darken peace and discipline agitation for your demands.
The state government must take immediate decisions for regularization of services.
BJP will raise your request in various forums.”

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