Ruckus in the Corp counsel meeting for income issues – News2IN
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Ruckus in the Corp counsel meeting for income issues

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: The council meeting at City Corporation on Wednesday witnessed several difficult scenes regulated as a member of the Opposition Board from BJP disrupting the process that demanded a discussion about the collection of income, which has become a recent big controversy.
Widespread deviations have been detected in collecting income in the Zon office and several officials have been suspended.
BJP members demanded a discussion of corruption at a council meeting rejected by Mayor Arya Rajendran.
It caused a large and crying hue among the members.
In this midst, the Mayor suspended the BJP V G Girikumar Council for allegedly tried to persecute the Deputy Mayor of P K Raju during the protest at the Sumur Balai Board.
Previously, BJP Board member M Ropan demanded a discussion of recent corruption cases at the Zonal Corporation office.
He said the corporation had to open a assistance desk for the public to check whether they had lost money due to misuse of funds by officials in zonal offices.
However, the mayor said that it was a corporate administration wing that had explored corruption in officials in zon offices and therefore did not need to discuss this.
He said it was because the administrative mechanism was effective that the problem was revealed.
The Mayor said corruption was first reported at the Zonal Srekaryam office after the Director of the Local Fund Audit was asked to do inspections in all zonal offices.
After the investigation, two officials were suspended from the Zonal Srekaryam office and supervisors and cashiers from the Zonal Nemom office.
Apart from this, the office officer from the Zonal Attipra office has also been suspended.
Reports from four more zones are expected immediately, after that more actions to the people involved in this will follow.
The police case has also been registered for misuse of funds, the mayor explains at the council meeting.
But BJP members were not happy with the explanation given and began shouting slogans against the mayor for denying permission for discussion about this.
Members raised placards and banners accused members of the powerful LDF to support corruption.
This causes some heat exchanges between ruling and opposition party members.
At close range Girikumar and Deputy Mayor have several arguments that are heated after BJP members are suspended.
However, Girikumar refused to leave the council hall even though the recurring reminder of the mayor.
The mayor must rush through the process and agenda items are passed without discussion.

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