Santa Claus doesn’t come to town: Covid Sparks St. Nick Lestage – News2IN
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Santa Claus doesn’t come to town: Covid Sparks St. Nick Lestage

Santa Claus doesn't come to town: Covid Sparks St. Nick Lestage
Written by news2in

New York: Christmas is just around the corner but you might struggle to see Santa spreading joy in the United States this holiday season.
That’s because the pandemic has caused Christmas’s shortcomings, according to a Santa Claus training and training company.
After the celebration was kept minimal last year because Covid-19, the parties returned for Christmas 2021 but the supply of a white bearded man in red behind the request.
“There are extraordinary shortcomings from the entertainers of Santa Claus,” Mitch Allen, founder of the Texas-based rental agency hired Santa, told AFP.
Allen said there had been an increase in 120 percent demand for santas this season compared to 2020 as a business, school and celebration of the host shopping center again.
But the amount of santas in his books has fallen 10 percent compared to 2019, which means he has a lack of “more than 1000 positions” this season.
“Unfortunately, we just can’t fulfill the big demand we received at this time,” Allen said, wearing a green elf costume on video calls.
The supply slump even though there are many organizations that decide to cancel activities, afraid of the very contagious Omicron variants who have ever put a world health system on high standby.
Contributing to the shortcomings has become the death of Coronavirus more than 335 from Santas Allen this year, he said.
Many, given that they are at high risk because of their age, have decided to close the red coat and a bobble hat for a while while others choose to retire.
In a good year, Santa Claus can produce between $ 6,000 and $ 10,000 during early November to the Christmas season, Allen said.
– Santa school – but this pandemic means fewer candidates who aspire to become an old Saint Nick, according to the Santa Claus Professional School in Denver.
The academy has decreased a 25 percent decline in applications since the pandemic, according to the founder of Susen Mesco, despite online training.
“In the past two years, 28 santas graduated when the number is usually 120,” he said in an email to AFP.
“Age is an important factor,” because most of the santas aged more than 70 years, added Mesco.
Allen predicts that the shortcomings will continue “for years to come.” “This year, we have booked for 2022.
We never had it before,” he explained.
But Allen will not lower the standard to increase numbers.
“Not everyone can be Santa.
You have to look like Santa Claus.
You have to have twinkles in your eyes and love it for Christmas.”

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