Scholz Germany vowed that ‘we will win’ against Covid-19 – News2IN

Scholz Germany vowed that ‘we will win’ against Covid-19

Scholz Germany vowed that 'we will win' against Covid-19
Written by news2in

Berlin: Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised Wednesday that his new government would do everything for Germany to overcome the Coronavirus pandemic and let people return to their normal life, stating that “we will win this fight” when he made his first major policy speech to Parliament.
Scholz, who took over from Longtime Chancellor Angela Merkel last week, stated that “we did not have time to waste” when he opened a presentation of the three-party coalition government agenda.
Scholz brought positions because Germany wrestled with the wave of the biggest pandemic infection so far.
There are signs that the restrictions imposed in recent weeks began to slow infection, and the new Chancellor said the country was well placed to fulfill the promise made in November to get 30 million vaccine shots at the end of this year.
“Yes, everything will get better; Yes, we will pursue the war against this pandemic with the biggest determination; and yes, we will regret this fight,” he told parliamentarians.
He repeated the promise that there would be “no red line” in pursuing efforts to recover normal life.
Scholz also said that the government would not tolerate extremist minorities that try to impose their will of the Coronavirus policy.
German security agents have warned that the parts of the querenken movement – a loose group collection opposes the limitation of pandemic – becoming more radical.

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