Scientists find fly ash from the power plants that pollute water – News2IN
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Scientists find fly ash from the power plants that pollute water

Scientists find fly ash from the power plants that pollute water
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Scientists from the Ministry of Environment Union have found various violations by the Koradi and Khaparkheda power plants, which lead to the contamination of water sources and massive public health problems.
Ministry officials have directed Mahagenco to form their official committee, Maharashtra pollution control board (MPCB), NGOs, Sarpanchs of Village to regularly monitor the site and overcome pollution.
Following complaints submitted by Leena Buddhe, Director of Sustainable Center for Development (CFSD), officials from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Moefcc) on Friday conducting location inspections.
Along with complaints, Buddhe has submitted a copy of the latest scientific analysis conducted by CFSD, Pune’s Manthan Adhyayan Kendra and Asar Social Impact Advisors Pvt, Ltd.
who found that the population of almost 25 villages used and drinking toxic water.
Toi is the first to report about the crisis.
The first place visited by the team at Khairy Village where Air Nullah and Digging – both “” very polluted “.
Sarpanch from the village of Moreshwar Kapse urged officials to take an urgent action to minimize the burden of pollution.” Nolah and this is the main source of drinking water.
To the village, “he said Dismissed to the Kanhan River, which is the main water source for citizens.
“Mahagenco officials told the team that it was a natural flow that came from Sillewada.
But the flow is full of ash and is being thrown directly into the river.
Therefore, the Kanhan River samples were collected by MPCB officials, “said the source.
After visiting several places, P Sakhare, scientists from Moefcc, said that they would send a report to Mahagenco for compliance and also asked the power plant company to form.
Committee for control Routine monitoring and pollution.
“Fly-ash utilization must be followed according to new notifications.
Mahagenco must assume this seriously and also submit a time plan for the same thing, “said Sakhare.
Sakhare further directs Mahagenco to submit a detailed plan of a new pump house that works with a picture of a pipeline network placed in all areas for debit and recycling.
Mahagenco has assured to work with CFSD and village and needed mitigation action.
Because it was reported by TOI day back, MPCB had directed Mahagenco to immediately stop the release of gray porridge in Nandgaon Village.
Officials informed that the debit would be stopped from today.
” CFSD will oversee the land situation and will continue to report land reality from time to time for all of the health and livelihoods of the community, “said Buddhe.
# Inspection findings – Nalllah & Dug-Sumur Village Khairy is very polluted – Disposal Lubuk Fly-ash continues -Free from the pipe that leaks on the minus Ash flies – also make Take the utilization of flying ash and consider it seriously

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