Sebastian Kurz Austria descends as a Chancellor in the middle of the charges of graft – News2IN

Sebastian Kurz Austria descends as a Chancellor in the middle of the charges of graft

Sebastian Kurz Austria descends as a Chancellor in the middle of the charges of graft
Written by news2in

Vienna: Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Saturday that he fell after being placed under an investigation into suspicion of corruption violations, but he planned to remain as the leader of his party and the peak legismaker in parliament.
Kurz denied the mistake and said he was willing to continue to rule with his coalition partner, Green.
But the left wing party said the investigation made Kurz not worth serving Chancellor and asked his party to call a “surpassed future”.
Green began talking on Friday with three Austrian opposition parties, all of whom demanded that Kurz resign and plan to submit one or more movement not confident towards him in a special parliament session on Tuesday.
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“Therefore I want to make a way to end the deadlock, to prevent chaos and to ensure stability,” Kurz said in a statement to the media.
He added that he planned to stay as party leader and to take over as a budget leader in parliament.
As a party leader, he proposed Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg to replace him as a chancellor, he said.
Green hasn’t said whether they will accept Schallenberg.

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