Soldiers, planes against intentional forest fires in Spain – News2IN

Soldiers, planes against intentional forest fires in Spain

Soldiers, planes against intentional forest fires in Spain
Written by news2in

MADRID: Wildfires who allegedly burned nearly 1,000 hectares (2,500 hectares) of forests in the northwest of Spain for two days, although rainfall is expected to give a break for the firefighting team.
Two active blazes continued to release over Tuesday in the steep Galician mountainous region, the region authorities said.
The fire has approached the population and imposes the closure of the road.
Brigades from 63 soldiers from the Spanish Military Emergency Unit were sent on Monday to help efforts to extinguish the fire carried out by firefighters in the field and four helicopters and four amphibious planes.
The soldiers extend a hose that sometimes stretches for more than one kilometer (half a mile) and down the trench.
Jose Gonzalez, regional minister for rural areas, said that the fire began at the end of the week past the sunset, when there was no chance for natural ignition.
It lights up with a “clear intention” in various “simultaneous locations” on both sides of the river, he said.
“They know they will cause a lot of damage,” Minister said, according to the Spanish Efe news agency, added that high temperatures, high winds and high air humidity made it “very complicated” to extinguish the fire.
The Spanish weather forecast body, Aemet, said that rainfall is expected in the area.

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