Some State Council schools stop online classes, saying hybrid mode edu is difficult – News2IN
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Some State Council schools stop online classes, saying hybrid mode edu is difficult

Some State Council schools stop online classes, saying hybrid mode edu is difficult
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Even when the report emerged about the CBSE school in Nagpur threatened to turn off online classes, many parents told Ti that schools affiliated with the State Council have also begun to do the same.
Parents of an affiliated school country council located in the heart of the city said, “They have stopped the classroom online and said that we have to send to children to school.” In rural areas too, this is a common trend because online classes are not feasible.
TOI spoke with several school principals, including one where more than 80% of students were present in offline mode, and the general theme was very difficult to balance teaching in hybrid mode.
A principal said, “It’s easy for the government to continue circular and say do this and do that, but only teachers know how difficult it is complementary lessons when half of your students are present online.
Those who are in class follow each word and can search Instant clarification, while they are in a house losing sometimes because of poor internet connectivity or the inability of children attached to understand what is taught.
“The principal agreed, said parents must understand that all of this was done for their child’s academic future.
“Parents complain about offline classes are leading to weddings and holiday destinations.
In some prosperous schools, we can see on social media that parents are on vacation abroad.
So parents are ready to risk their child’s health by doing jamel and Foreign parties, but will not send him for three to four hours in a safe environment at school, “said the principal.
However, with the government mandating hybrid teaching, how to manage the school to get away with this.
The principal himself said the majority of students were willing to come and that was why they took this step.
“I have around 1,400 students enrolled at school and my presence touched 900 this week,” said a school principal of the State Council.
“We hold a meeting of parents online and almost everyone agreed that children need to return to the classroom,” said the principal.
The medium-middle maratoni school near ajni has been fully done with online class.
The principal told Tii, “We have never had an online option, only videos sent by the teacher to the WhatsApp number are available with us.
Half of the numbers are stopped, while many others have never recharged their data packages, which means that The class video sent in August was sent in November.
So, this online thing is always a failure for schools like us.

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