Spanish orchestra makes music from recycled garbage – News2IN

Spanish orchestra makes music from recycled garbage

Spanish orchestra makes music from recycled garbage
Written by news2in

MADRID: Cristina Vazquez, Roman teenager who grows in Shantytown Madrid, has never imagined himself playing the violin.
But today he is the first violinist in an inventive orchestra uniting two dozen less fortunate youths, using instruments made of recycled material.
The violin is made of colorful soda cans, while bass strings have skateboards for their bodies, and drums are made of plastic barrels.
The project, nicknamed “recycled music”, aims to breathe new life into trash disposed while also benefiting young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
“I’m really happy, because it has changed a lot of my life,” Vazquez said 18 years old, his eyes sparkled.
He hesitated joining the orchestra at the age of 12 when it was part of the curriculum at his school in the Southern District of Vallecas, one of the poor neighborhoods of Madrid.
Today he taught younger group members.
“The orchestra really opened me into the world …
I haven’t even gone to the center of Madrid,” he said.
“I don’t know if I will be a professional musician, but I want to continue to give classes to small children.” It meets arrogance when a young girl comes to you and says, “When I’m an adult, I want to be like you., Play it, and little by little it becomes a way of life,” he said.
Owned by orchestra like “being in the family, and doing what is our most fun,” said Blonde Munoz, who relaxes Goatee.
Music “allows me to escape from life problems,” Munoz said, who saw himself become a professional Perkusonist Flamenco.
This project is run by the Spanish environmental group ecpresses and inspired by Orchestra Cateura Paraguay, consisting of musicians who play instruments.
Made of material found in garbage dump.
After Ecoembe S invited the Catura Orchestra to appear in Madrid in 2014, the group decided to find the encambel similar to the same year, said Victor Gil, recycled music director.
“Why not here? We have social and economic problems,” Argentine said.
– Career Spring – Ensemble put his first concert only four months later and “Children cannot play more than four notes,” Gil said, who played bass made of skateboard.
Now after appearing in cities in Spain, “we already have four boys who study in scholarships in public music and conservatories,” he added.
Unfortunately, the pandemic has temporarily stopped the show.
A concert planned for last Thursday in Madrid was summoned at the last minute because of Soaring Covid-19 infection in Spain.
Meanwhile, more than 100 children took music classes from orchestra members as part of the project.
This instrument was made by Luthier Fernando Soler, a third-generation instrument maker, from cans, wooden boxes, cutlery and part of the dumped instrument.
He said he tried to make an instrument as close as possible with their “normal” form so that children would not have difficulty playing regular equipment in the future.
Soler hopes he will soon restart his workshops to make instruments, which are suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic.
He said his dream was to see one of his students being “Luthier from the future recycling.”

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