Special settings for the selection of the MSU Senate – News2IN

Special settings for the selection of the MSU Senate

Written by news2in

Vadodara: M University M decided to make special arrangements for the last leg of the Senate selection scheduled for Thursday given the increasing Covid-19 case on the University campus.
The election for three categories includes chairs that represents donors, secondary school teachers and secondary school principals are scheduled on January 13.
The poll expert, part of the Senate member has demanded that the university must delay the election date in Covid 19 cases in all cities and countries.
“We have decided that keeping a special conneering booth in all places where the selection will be held.
There will be a special polling booth where voters who feel they are asymptomatic can come and choose.
In all three places, entries, directions and access to this special poll booth.
It will be different from other polls with a clear understanding that such voters will not be allowed to meet other people who will do their voting, “said Dr.
Km Chudasama, leading the Registrar of the MSU.
The selection for three categories will be held at the Experimental School Place of the Faculty of Education and Psychology and New Extension Buildings behind the University Headquarters.
“Also, we have increased the number of pollic booths.
Against it, the ratio of one booth for 300 voters, we make arrangements in such a way that one vote booth will cover 50 voters.
It is being carried out to reduce the opportunity of a big meeting and to ensure that the norm is Social distance followed, “he said.
About 1,000 voters are eligible for two categories of high school teachers and middle school principals while around 250 voters are eligible for the selection of donor constituencies.

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