SSG now has a fully functional hemodialysis unit – News2IN
Uncategorized Vadodara

SSG now has a fully functional hemodialysis unit

SSG now has a fully functional hemodialysis unit
Written by news2in

Vadodara: The eight-year-old girl who has come a long way from Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh to be treated with kidney failure combined with severe anemia that managed to undergo hemodiatersis hemodiatersis hemodialsis hemodialsis units managed by SSG (PICU).
Donations, both from individuals and corporate agencies, have begun to pour into hospitals for the unit.
While the accessories have been contributed by Crompton Greaves Ltd.
from the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds, the Institute of Kidney Disease (IKD) provides technical support to the unit.
“We just finished the installation of hemodialysis machines.
And on the first day of Navratri, we conducted hemodialysis in minors who had visited many hospitals in the past six weeks and finally reached us with kidney failure, severe metabololololiolidosis with severe anemia,” said Dr.
Sheila Aiyer, Head of the Pediatric Department.
Aiyer said that so far, such children with kidney failure and severe anemia must be referred to Ahmedabad because government hospitals are not equipped to deal with these cases.
“Now, we have become the first General Hospital in Central Gujarat which has a functional hemodialysis unit,” he said.
The total department has received Hospital 1 Crore Worth Equipment, including hi-end ventilators that have been contributed by the Foundation Crompton CSR, apart from five children’s ventilators that have been contributed by Siemens CSR Foundation.
The neonatal intensive care unit from the SSG Hospital handles around 4,500 newborns every year.

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