St. Jude, who provides child cancer drugs into poor countries – News2IN
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St. Jude, who provides child cancer drugs into poor countries

St. Jude, who provides child cancer drugs into poor countries
Written by news2in

Memphis: Tennessee, St.
Children’s Research Hospital Jude and the World Health Organization said Monday they planned to provide cancer drugs at no cost to children in countries that lack resources, an investment of $ 200 million in the world where children in rich countries are far more likely.
to survive.
Jude and those who say the global platform for access to cancer drugs childakers seeks to provide safe and effective cancer drugs to around 120,000 children.
Drugs will be given at no cost during the phase of the two-year pilot.
Then, the countries involved can take some costs in the past years of the project, which will be extended from 2022 to 2027.
Hospitals in Memphis, Tennessee, and WHO will help countries choose drugs, develop standards and track shipping Treatment, news broadcast said.
Nearly nine out of 10 children with living cancer in low and medium-income countries where less than 30% survived, compared with 80% in high-income countries, said Director General of Tedro Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
The availability of drugs in low and medium-income countries is often burdened with high prices and supply problems, hospitals and WHO.
“This new platform will help correct this unacceptable imbalance and provide hope for thousands of parents who are faced with the reality of a child with cancer,” he said.
Drugs will be purchased and initially gives 12 countries and then distributed through the government, the center of cancer and non-governmental organizations, said St.
Countries have not been selected.
Jude and who hopes that 50 countries will end up receiving childhood cancer drugs through the program.
“Unless we overcome the shortcomings and quality of cancer drugs in many parts of the world, there are very few choices to cure these children,” said Dr.
Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, Chair of the St.
Pediatric Medical Department of St.
Jude and Director of St.
Global Jude.
Jude is considered a leading researcher of cancer and other diseases that threaten the soul that affects children, and prominent charities: Families with children who are patients in hospitals have never received bills from St.
Jude for care, travel, housing and food.

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