Student Engineering, 22, for the head of Vengadampatti Panchayat – News2IN
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Student Engineering, 22, for the head of Vengadampatti Panchayat

Student Engineering, 22, for the head of Vengadampatti Panchayat
Written by news2in

Tighty: Victory is not a cake road for a 22-year-old Sharukala, President Vengadampatti Panchayat in Kadayam Union, Tenkasi District, who aspires to make a model of Panchayat.
Masters in the first year students must maintain their composure when he fought against the campaign of the request by his close contestant Revathi Muthu Vadivu, 42, the widow of President Panchayat three times Ganesan.
Ganesan has defeated Sharukala’s father C Ravi Subramanian, 55, a farmer, with a margin of more than 500 votes in the local agency poll 10 years ago.
“Camp opponent, banking on the sound of sympathy, campaigned that I was studying in coimbatore, and that people would be affected if I was married and satisfied elsewhere.
They campaigned that I was not vocal and people had to pass a ferocious dog in our village for Me to me, “he told Toi.
“They announced it through loudspeakers in the village where I campaigned.
Their lies get my courage, but I was advised not to reply.
People stood by my side, believing that they could trust an educated girl, they saw me as grandchildren and children Their woman and helped me win the election with almost 1,000 voice margins.
I secured 3,336 from almost 6,600 votes surveyed, “he said.
His first initiative was to bring the supply of drinking water to 23 villages and hamlets through Jeevan’s mission because getting water was their main challenge.
He also wants to renovate the library, park, community room, and other public facilities in Pancayat, which is one of the largest Panchayats in the state.
“I planned a campaign to enlighten students about various government scholarships to pursue higher education,” he said.
Electronic graduates and communication were free of seats for me in VLSI in recognition of the quality of their leadership as representatives of the Student Association.

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