Student PU Skates 145km to Sou – News2IN

Student PU Skates 145km to Sou

Student PU Skates 145km to Sou
Written by news2in

Vadodara: AGSTYA VALLANT, a second year student at the City-Based Parul University (PU) and an athlete, conducted a 145 km skating expedition to pay tribute to the Deputy Ministerial Minister for Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
Valland began his journey on the shoes at the commemoration of the birth of Sardar Patel on October 31 from Karamsad, the ancestral city of Iron Man of India, and reached the statue of the Unity (Sou) the following day.
Valland began preparing for 145km skating challenges almost three months earlier.
He used to practice three hours every day.
“From the very beginning, I knew that this trip would not be easy.
I built stamina and improved my ability to play skates for hours for the past three months,” said Aghya, a student of the PU business administration institute.
He took the route Karamsad-Anand-Vadodara-Kapura-Dabhoi-Kevadiya to reach Sou.
The route from Karamsad to Kapurai is good for skating due to highway connectivity.
But after the intersection of the Kapurai, the route was challenging because the road was not ideal for skating, he said.
“Sometimes, I feel like giving up but I keep my trip purpose,” he said.

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