Students from Afghanistan in Karnataka face a gloomy future, because the crisis revealed back home – News2IN

Students from Afghanistan in Karnataka face a gloomy future, because the crisis revealed back home

Students from Afghanistan in Karnataka face a gloomy future, because the crisis revealed back home
Written by news2in

The ongoing crisis in Afghanistan, has sent ripples around the world.
A closer house, in MySuru, a group of Afghan students was confused by the situation in their country and feared to their loved ones.
Their futures look gloomy because they were not sure about going home after completing their education.
“My parents live anxiously.
They asked me to stay safe and concentrate on my studies.
Taliban leaders say that human rights will be restored under the scope of Islamic law, which is the only glimmer of hope to restore peace in my country, “said Halima Akbari, a student.
Other students, who are studying in Mysuru for a year now, have not reconciled by losing his uncle in violence.
“I can’t talk to my family members who struggle to save their lives because of a sudden change in a political scenario..” Globally, one of the greatest concerns now, is the salvation of women in Afghanistan under new rule.
A Petrified Ali Sina Relision said, “An incident of a woman who was killed because stepping out without being accompanied by a man had been reported.
We don’t know whether the Taliban will let women go to school, office and college again.” For Amanullah Dadgar, it is difficult to said that a precarious situation at home.
“We have seen what happened when the Taliban came to power between 1996 to 2001.
There was no freedom of speech and expression and many civilians were killed because they did not follow.
Taliban rules that resulted in a complete anarchy.” Students seek their extensity visa reconciled with the situation at home, Many students seek visa extensions until they are considered normal in their country.
Halima Akbari said, “My visa has expired that put me in a dilemma.
We met the University of Mysore Vice Chancellor Hemanth Kumar recently.
He has assured that he will talk to the ministry of external affairs to resolve this problem.
One I get my visa extension Will stay here for a few more months.

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