Swift Police Action, Bulk Awareness Not Prove Enough in Tribal Dahod – News2IN

Swift Police Action, Bulk Awareness Not Prove Enough in Tribal Dahod

Swift Police Action, Bulk Awareness Not Prove Enough in Tribal Dahod
Written by news2in

Vadodara: Since last month, four female incidents that were ‘punished’ in full public view had been revealed at Dahod District.
While the police swung into the action and consciousness was held since the first incident was revealed, the three more incidents arose since then.
Registration of the violation and the arrest of the defendant did not appear to be proven not to block.
If the police and activists must be trusted, only the laws take the way may not be enough to stop the incident like that to happen in the future.
“In most cases, relatives involved.
People attended the scene occurred, but there seemed to be no one interference,” said Dahod Superintendent of Police, Hitesh Joysar.
He showed that the drive of consciousness is now being upgraded to handle the situation on the war footing.
The police have said that there will be ‘zero tolerance’ for this action.
Most incidents like that are on their roots, affairs of love, especially extra-marriage relations.
This leads to family members involved in mass justice.
In Dahod, extra marriage affairs were responsible for mass justice in two incidents, while in one incident a girl was beaten because he was believed that he spoke to a boy on the phone.
At the fourth incident, a woman who spoke to rival family members was a trigger factor.
Tribal activists and author of Kanji Patel said that marriage affairs were used to take place early as well, but rarely caused incidents as they were today.
“With interaction with the community, they adopt religious and caste identities.
Women are now treated like such properties and care stacked to them and videos are recorded to set examples and satisfy men’s ego,” Patel said.
Patel shows that such incidents are resolved among themselves by tribes.
“The proliferation of electronic and social media also contributes to the increase in the incident,” he said.
Dahod police also want to take action even on those who circulate the video.
“In some cases, videos in such a way that they are angry from the simplicity of a woman.
We will order those who circulate the video with relevant provisions,” Joysar said.
Joysar added that the police worked at two levels.
“On the one hand, we take immediate action and, on the other hand, the intensive drive drive has begun.” This incident mostly occurs in areas where education is very low, “he said.

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