
The Supreme Court to hear future requests for bankruptcyThe Supreme Court to hear future requests for bankruptcy

The Supreme Court to hear future requests for bankruptcy

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday agreed to hear a new petition from the Retail Future (FRL) which searched…

3 years ago
Amazon, all foods can be sued by murderers rejected for shipping jobsAmazon, all foods can be sued by murderers rejected for shipping jobs

Amazon, all foods can be sued by murderers rejected for shipping jobs

New York: A Federal Judge said Inc.and all of the food units could be prosecuted for rejection to hire…

3 years ago
Retail of the Future Moves the Supreme Court at Lenders Bankruptcy NoticesRetail of the Future Moves the Supreme Court at Lenders Bankruptcy Notices

Retail of the Future Moves the Supreme Court at Lenders Bankruptcy Notices

New Delhi: Facing the heat from the Bank for recovery of extraordinary contributions, future retail on Tuesday moved the Supreme…

3 years ago
The future launches the challenge of the Supreme Court to its own lendersThe future launches the challenge of the Supreme Court to its own lenders

The future launches the challenge of the Supreme Court to its own lenders

New Delhi: The future group on Tuesday challenges its own lenders at the Supreme Court to avoid facing the bankruptcy…

3 years ago
Amazon asked the retail future to provide fin details to PE companiesAmazon asked the retail future to provide fin details to PE companies

Amazon asked the retail future to provide fin details to PE companies

New Delhi: Amazon has requested retail of the future (FRL) to provide financial details to Samara Capital for accelerated thorough…

3 years ago
Amazon confirm Samara Capital is ready to invest RS 7,000 CR in FRL to obtain assetsAmazon confirm Samara Capital is ready to invest RS 7,000 CR in FRL to obtain assets

Amazon confirm Samara Capital is ready to invest RS 7,000 CR in FRL to obtain assets

New Delhi: Amazon has written to Independent Director of the Retail Future Ltd (FRL), confirmed that Samara Capital "remains interested…

3 years ago
The future is ₹ 3.5k CR from Amazon to avoid defaultThe future is ₹ 3.5k CR from Amazon to avoid default

The future is ₹ 3.5k CR from Amazon to avoid default

New Delhi: In a letter to Amazon, the future retail of Kishore Biyani (FRL) has asked the US e-commerce giant…

3 years ago
Amazon seeks to block the sale of small shops in the futureAmazon seeks to block the sale of small shops in the future

Amazon seeks to block the sale of small shops in the future

New Delhi: Amazon has written to the Big Bazaar Retail Parent Future (FRL) in an effort to block the possibility…

3 years ago
The future group considered the SC offer to avoid named DefaulterThe future group considered the SC offer to avoid named Defaulter

The future group considered the SC offer to avoid named Defaulter

New Delhi: The future group plans to challenge its own lenders at the Supreme Court to avoid Defaulter for payment…

3 years ago
Grassroots products, student innovations; Traditional knowledge available for online sales: Ministry of Science and TechnologyGrassroots products, student innovations; Traditional knowledge available for online sales: Ministry of Science and Technology

Grassroots products, student innovations; Traditional knowledge available for online sales: Ministry of Science and Technology

Products by grass root innovators, extraordinary traditional knowledge holders and student creativity of innovative products based on millions of customers…

3 years ago