Kolkata: A relaxed photo clicked on the city sidewalk has dramatically changed the lives of two children.The photo was from…
Thiruvananthapuram: With a new hospital, updated classrooms and a set of initial programs, Girls who are higher in the Cottonhill…
Rajkot: Sakkarbuag Zoo in Junagad for the first time witnessing the birth of a striped hyena.Two hyenas striped women gave…
Ludhiana: Diwali This might not bring cheering on the face of several children in Ludhiana, whose parents were trapped in…
Coimbatore: V Jabez, a class V student, was welcomed by his teacher with chocolate and flowers when he reached the…
Chennai: Ending the 19-month covid-induced break, the physical class for 1-8 standards continued in Tamil Nadu on Monday, when children…
Amit.shanbuang@timegroup.com. Schools that globally face uphill fighting whether it combats the learning deficit, instill digital technology into pedagogy, or revise…
Jaipur: Under Chief Minister Corona Sahayata Yojana, Jaipur District has witnessed the highest number of recipients at 1.194.More than Rs…
Bhubaneswar: The state government plans to reopen the school for students from class I to VII after Diwali.Some states have…
Chennai: Grade 1 to 8 students in Tamil Nadu have begun attending school after the gap of nearly 20 months.Pandemic…