
The syndicate request to postpone the MSU Senate poll for the probe

Vadodara: Thirteen Senate Members, including seven members nominated by the government and six were selected, on Saturday demanding that the…

3 years ago

State steps in to fund dreams of FTII Tribal Youth

Ranchi: The government of Hemant Soren has advanced to provide financial assistance to a 28-year-old tribal youth to help him…

3 years ago

BJP head attracts a road map for assembly polls next year

Rajkot: BJP President C R Paatil prepares a roadmap for the selection of the Assembly scheduled for next year, especially…

3 years ago

Continue Subsidies for Sitamarhi Farmers: Bihar CM

Patna: Cm Nith Kumar on Saturday said transportation subsidies given to the Sitamarhi district farmers for carrying their cane to…

3 years ago

Give the same compensation, plot up to 18+ women engulfed by airport projects: Study

Greater Noida: Seven-member Multi-Disciplinary Assessment Committee, led by Ignou Professor Satish Kumar, reviewed on Saturdays The findings of social impact…

3 years ago

Discount for grants, how Haryana Noah gave a covid vaccine push

Noah: festive season ends, but still rain discounts and incentives in Noah.From drugs, even gasoline, for development grants, people who…

3 years ago

BJP stages of a one-day starvation stretch against the government because it does not reduce fuel prices

Coimbatore: BJP cadres in Coimbatore, on Saturday, a one-day hunger protest in Sivananda Colony against the upper state government reduces…

3 years ago

GST Cut on man-made fibers will help reduce the cost of finished goods: Sima

Coimbatore: Welcoming the movement of the United States to reduce the tax rate of goods and services (GST) in man-made…

3 years ago

3 year old boy died on the roof

Krishnagiri: A three-year-old boy was killed after the roof of the tile house collapsed near Hosur in Krishnagiri district on…

3 years ago

10% of workers to carry under e-shram every month

Hyderabad: The state government has begun the process of approaching more than one unorganized worker in Telangana under the Ambit…

3 years ago