
Covid-19: More stringent sidewalks in four more district Kerala, war room back

ThiruvananThapuram: Covid-19 review meeting chaired by Pinarayi Vijayan's head minister on Thursday has decided to include four more districts -kollam,…

3 years ago

BJP Top Netas Fan Out, Heat the Poll Campaign in the West

Lucknow: BJP enhances its selection spadworks in the West with the back of the peak leadership paradropping, including Minister of…

3 years ago

Violence broke out at the Assam-Arunachal border for road construction

Guwahati: Tension surged at the disputed point at the border of Assam-Arunachal Pradesh in Dhemuji Assam District after violence among…

3 years ago

Delhi: Restaurants & Cinema can be opened on lid 50%

New Delhi: With a stable decrease in Covid-19 cases and the level of participants fell below 10% for the first…

3 years ago

Covid Impact: No Ceremony ‘Halwa’ Before Budget

New Delhi: The surge in infection because Omicron has encouraged the government to play safely with the Ministry of Finance…

3 years ago

At 94, Badal will be the oldest to conduct polls in India

Bathinda: Minister of Punjab Five times Parkash Singh Badal, 94, whose nomination was announced by the sad president of Aukhbir…

3 years ago

Fast path construction works: Kumar Nitish

Patna: Head of Bihar Minister Nith Kumar said on Thursday asking the Road Construction Department (RCD) officials to track sustainable…

3 years ago

Mea Jaishankar positive test for Covid-19

New Delhi: Foreign Minister S Jaishankar has been tested positive for Covid-19 and on Thursday urging all people who have…

3 years ago

Jyotiraditya Scindia seeks to play on the BJP MP for the ‘neglected’

Gwalior: Minister of Union and BJP Leader Jyotiraditya Scindia on Thursday tried to shrink the controversy over the contents of…

3 years ago

Two SP leaders, one Cong leader from Join BJP

New Delhi: Ahead of the election of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly, the leader of the Jamajwadi Party and Congress from…

3 years ago