Taliban Arrest 4 is a member as a threat of growing extremists – News2IN
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Taliban Arrest 4 is a member as a threat of growing extremists

Written by news2in

Kabul: Taliban arrested four members of an Islamic state and seize documents and their weapons in the north of the Afghan capital, the head of the group’s spokesman said Wednesday.
Zabihullah Mujahid said the operation was carried out Tuesday night by a special unit forces in the area Pashai Pagham district in Kabul province.
He did not provide additional details.
The arrests came as the Taliban leadership, which assumed control of the country after seizing the capital on Aug.
15, grappling with the growing security threat from a group known as the Islamic State of Khorasan, A is an affiliate.
Extremist groups have stepped up attacks since the Taliban consolidated power following the exit door U.S.
It has claimed responsibility for the attack, including two deadly bombings in the capital last month.
Claimed Tuesday night targeting a vehicle carrying members of the Taliban with explosives in District 1 in Kunar province, northeast of the capital, killing and wounding them.
It said a strengthening Taliban patrol rushed to the area to help but the fighters clashed with them, killing and wounding “many.” Reappeared in Afghanistan in 2020 after attenuated by the US bombing campaign directed at them in the east.
state in 2019.
The group claimed responsibility for a bombing Sunday in the Eid Gah Mosque Kabul that killed five civilians.
It also claimed responsibility for the terrible bombing on Aug.
26 that killed more than 169 residents and 13 Afghan army outside Kabul.
Taliban since it was launched many raids to come out are the cells.
Separately, two witnesses and a hospital official said two Taliban members were shot and killed and three civilians were wounded when gunmen fired at an unknown vegetable market on Wednesday.
Morning in the northeastern city of Jalalabad.
Hospital officials said the hospital received two bodies and two men were wounded.
They spoke on condition of Ano nymity because of the sensitive nature of the subject.
Jalalabad has emerged as a flash point in the competition between the Taliban and, with many attacks there since the takeover.

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