Taliban, EX-Afghanistan government disputes ended without UN speech – News2IN
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Taliban, EX-Afghanistan government disputes ended without UN speech

Taliban, EX-Afghanistan government disputes ended without UN speech
Written by news2in

The United Nations: a dispute between the new Taliban ruler of Afghanistan and his former government for who should speak in the annual meeting of the UN world leaders finally have answers: no one.
The Taliban has challenged the ambassador credentials of the former Afghan government, and asked to represent the country at the General Assembly summit this year, which began September 21 and ended Monday.
But all challenges for credentials must be heard by the Assembly’s credential committee, which generally met in November and did not hold early to hear the challenges.
UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said that on Friday, Afghanistan is currently recognized as the United Nations Ambassador, Ghulam Isaczai, registered as speaking for the country.
But, said Dujarric on Monday: “We were told Saturday by the Afghanistan mission that they would no longer speak.” In a letter to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the Taliban Foreign Minister, Ameer Khan Muttaqi, said Ghani “was” overthrown “in August 15 and that countries around the world” no longer recognize him as president.
” Therefore, said Muttaqi, Isaczai no longer represent Afghanistan and the Taliban nominated the new UN permanent representative, Mohammad Suhail Shaheen.
When the Taliban last ruled from 1996 to 2001, the United Nations refused to recognize their government.

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