Techno Fest was held in MNNIT – News2IN
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Techno Fest was held in MNNIT

Written by news2in

Prayagraj: Fester Techno-Management Annual Emeli Day Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), titled ‘Aishkar-2021’, begins in online mode on Sunday.
Because of the pandemic, the competition is held virtually on the Microsoft team platform.
That day began with an extraordinary program.
Tuxwars, logical rhythms, and insomnia are the events carried out under the cyberquest banner.
This event recognizes participants with the Linux world and engine learning.
Participants from all over the country and even the world abroad takes part in a fierce competitive coding battle.
Designer Budding Bridge showed off their talents at Linkidge ‘and’ ConstrengTho ‘with full enthusiasm.
Have fun and packed with the power of ‘current war’, held under the ‘PowerSurge’ flag, arousing major participation from contestants.
Participants were also deep in the brainstorming puzzle ‘Chem-e-Brain’ and ‘Quizzical’, held under the ‘Rasayans’ banner.
Aerodynamic lovers fly to events such as ‘lost in space’, held under the banana ‘aeromodelling’.
On the first day of the event, student enthusiasm in the management event was witnessed.
Participants show off the strength of their individuality by speaking in solo lobo carried out by oligopoly.
The Chanakya Neteti event, Netritva, and Stallmart, was held under Panji Monopoly, providing a unique platform for beginner leaders tomorrow.

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