Teen Surfer found a letter in a bottle on Mangaluru beach – News2IN

Teen Surfer found a letter in a bottle on Mangaluru beach

Teen Surfer found a letter in a bottle on Mangaluru beach
Written by news2in

The stories of messages in bottles have fascinated many for centuries.
A closer house, one tale was opened on the beach in Mangaluru, recently.
In heavy rain, the bottle was washed on land in Thanneerbhavi, and was found by Adit Chirag, an ordinary teen surfer on the beach.
“As always, we are on the beach trying to catch a good wave to surf.
When doing it, I see something going up and down on the waves.
Immediately stored on the beach and curiosity, we look closer.
That’s when we see that there is a letter in it .
We were very excited and immediately opened it, “Adit said, who, along with his friends with him, read the letter.
“It was written by a pair in January 2021 and we found it at the end of May.
Mangaluru was very broad and they threw it into the water in one of the many beaches which hung the area,” Adit shares.
While the concept of the message in the bottle is said to date back to 310 BC and it is especially the media to convey distress or disaster, over the years, slowly growing to include good intention messages and expectations too.
Tale Mangaluru is the same proof.
– Madhu Daithota.

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