Terror: CPM sees an offer to captivate women in Kerala – News2IN
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Terror: CPM sees an offer to captivate women in Kerala

Thiruvananthapuram: during the debate over the comments of the ‘narcotics narcotics’ Nutrition Bishop was heating up, a note prepared by CPM in front of the party conference has warned that there was a conscious effort to captivate educated women, especially those in professional colleges in the state, to Terrorism.
In the notes prepared by parties, to be sent to all branch committees, it has been said that “efforts are made to lure young people into communalism and extremism.” Meanwhile, party sources said that the note had nothing to do with controversial comments made by Bishop nutmeg.
They said the note was well prepared before the bishop made a comment like that.
This party issued caution in a record titled ‘Communityism Minority’ which was prepared for its leaders in connection with the first address at the branch conference and local committee.
“Parivar Sangh’s activities have created a sense of insecurity among minorities.
Extremists try to infiltrate all Muslim organizations and create problems.
Jamaat-e-Islami, who works for the Islamic State, also made a conscious effort to lure young people into communalize activities And extremists when it comes to spreading their ideological roots in the Muslim community and the general public, “he said.
Also said that a small portion of the Christian community, which is generally not subject to communal ideology, is also involved in such activities and that there is a conscious effort to change the Muslim community towards the Muslim community.
The party has asked its cadres to be very careful in this development and have the right discussion in the party forum about how effective the party can involve in terms of these extremist activities.
The party also said that there were steps by certain extremist groups in the state supporting the Taliban government in Afghanistan.

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