The 5-star Italian movement without head can spell problems for Draghi – News2IN

The 5-star Italian movement without head can spell problems for Draghi

The 5-star Italian movement without head can spell problems for Draghi
Written by news2in

Rome: The 5-star movement in power in Italy found himself without a leader on Wednesday after a row between his founders, Comedian Beppe Grillo, and former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte who had agreed to take over the party who struggled.
5 stars are the biggest groups in parliament thanks to victory in the 2018 election, and their trouble can have an impact on the stability of the National Unity of Mario Draghi.
Many politicians and 5-star supporters are not happy with some Draghi policies and if the party is split, as it now seems, a large number of parliamentarians can move to the opposition.
On Wednesday Alessandro in Battista, who recently left 5 star but remained very popular among the voters, said it had to hold an online election of its members about whether to get out of the coalition “after this tragic four months” from the Draghi government.
Draghi does not need 5 star sounds for the majority of parliamenters, but without them, it will completely depend on the people of the right-wing league, with difficult anti-immigrant positions and sometimes anti-EU.
Conte, who previously did not have a party affiliation, received the request of Grillo that he took control of 5 stars, was originally an anti-company protest party, after the Coalition Government Conte collapsed in January.
After spending months of completing internal disputes, Conte was finally ready to present the plan for a renovated party along the main line, the middle left line, only for Grillo to block everything this week, angrily, he was absent.
“Conte …
don’t have a political vision or managerial skills.
He doesn’t have organizational experience and without the capacity for innovation,” Grillo, who founded 5 stars in 2009, wrote on a blog on Tuesday.
The 72-year-old former comedian said Conte had compiled an ancient “17th century law” for the movement he had neatly on egalitarian principles based on democracy directly using the internet.
However, Grillo posts met a number of negative comments from 5-star supporters who accused him of trying to sink the movement he had established.
Conte, the WHO Polls Show is the most popular politician in Italy after Draghi, said on Wednesday that the “Stance Autocratic” Grillo was “death for all 5 star communities”.
With reconciliation between the two men who look impossible, 5-star senior politicians began to side with, mostly against Grillo.
Vito Crevi, a party veteran, and a former leader of the guard was among several senior figures who said they were considering a stop at the party.

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