The battle of the first high poll on the MSU campus – News2IN

The battle of the first high poll on the MSU campus

The battle of the first high poll on the MSU campus
Written by news2in

Vadodara: MS University Main Campus and Satellite Campuses turn into a political battlefield for ‘Netas’ cuts across political affiliates, but it is fair to be fun for old students, because the university witnessed the battle of the first high polls on Sunday as elections for nine seats Registered from the university’s highest body senate began at 12 noon.
With 6,428 voters from a total of 11,616 carrying out their voting rights in 41 polling booths spread in eight university campus buildings, voters amounted to 55.34%.
A total of 27 candidates are in Medan.
It was for the first time the campus witnessed the presence of so many political leaders directly from the BJP City Office-Bearers Unit, MLA, even Corator to them from the Congress Camp and former student leaders in elections scattered as university affair.
The bet in this election was high with the BJP City Unit President Vijay Shah issued an official mandate from the party responsible for the MSU Safron camp called ‘MSU Team’.
Great stockpiling, ‘Shamiana’ where snacks and drinks are served, campaign materials such as t-shirts are printed, a decorated hat supporter of decorated candidates makes it as if it is the election for the assembly constituency.
For educated registered graduates, which only came to use their voting rights with their families, it looked like a fun exhibition, trade union or picnic.
A candidate from the Faculty of Art has even made wheelchair arrangements and ambulances for elderly registered voters.
Polling ends peacefully except for some controversy.
At the Faculty of Trade, a candidate who fought the law faculty accused the former syndicate member, who moved around as an observer of election, openly campaigning for rival candidates.
After police intervention, the argument was heated between the calm duo.
The Faculty of Science also witnessed a few moments of anxiety when female photos were seen in the list of the election of the Faculty of Trade instead of male voter photos.
Likewise, electoral officers must intervene when objections are appointed in photos that are clicked in the election for a seat of the Faculty of Education & Psychology held at the Faculty of Law.
In some polling booths, university rules do not allow cellular / electronic gadgets in the polling booth going for throw.
The sealed ballot box has shifted to the university headquarters where the calculation will take place on Monday afternoon.

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