The Co-Win portal will be expanded for all vaccine programs in India: R S Sharma – News2IN
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The Co-Win portal will be expanded for all vaccine programs in India: R S Sharma

Written by news2in

On Indian day crossing a sign of Vaccination 100 Crore, Chairman of the Empowerment Committee for the Covid-19 Vaccine Administration in the country, Sharma Hospital, also the CEO of the National Health Authority (NHA) during a two-day visit to Jharkhand talking to Toi Gaurav Pandey on Thursday about the importance of the application Co-Win, the challenges faced by them and the usefulness of the platform in the future.
Quotes: T: We have passed 100 Crore Jab today.
You are a man behind his technical arm (co-win).
Who did you praise this success? A: We will not achieve this achievement without the hard work of our health workers, both doctors, nurses, managers from the national level to Pancayat.
This achievement is dedicated to them because they have worked hard to vaccinate one billion people in the past nine months.
Q: How does the Co-Win application idea formed? A: India is a very large country with more than one billion people and to vaccinate demographics and keep their traces and each dose is not possible manually.
So to ensure that every citizen can be affixed, we come with this platform.
Q: What is the biggest challenge during the start of the portal and how much workforce and money invested to create it? A: The biggest challenge is a digital division so we have to carry a platform that will serve everyone from someone who uses phone I to the phone feature.
So, we decided that it must be flexible and at the same time must have the security needed for authentication.
Come to the investment section, it hasn’t burdened wealth and you will not believe if I say that the five coders technical team has worked on together with several other technical staff.
The money to be spent is cloud-based data storage.
Q: As you say that the portal is not too expensive but it seems that the countries globally search for platforms for their use.
Will it be exported to them on charges? A: After understanding Co-Win’s flexibility, a total of 147 countries participated in the Cum-Knowledge Training program held and attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 5.
July we have been in the process of training various experts on the platform and we might bring it as a source Open in the near future.
Q: What will be the role of co-Win after the Covid-19 vaccination program concludes? A: It is something very special because we will use it for a universal immunization program for regular immunization with a little modification.
Below, we will tweak the software to accommodate the required data and it will help the government track all vaccination programs and beneficiaries.
It will also help health workers and beneficiaries to remind them of their doses and will be a modifier of the game.

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