The communist era judge who was sought by Poland died in Sweden at 91 – News2IN

The communist era judge who was sought by Poland died in Sweden at 91

Written by news2in

Warsaw: Polish Communist Judge Stefan Michnik, the extradition that Poland sought for the death penalty he was revealed in the early 1950s, had died in Sweden at 91.
The news came from the rabbit that his stepbrother, Adam Michnik editor-in-chief letters Liberal news of Gazeta Wyborcza Poland, placed on Friday.
Sweden twice refused to extradite Michnik since the turn of the century, said the limited law ended in death and prison sentence that the Michnik panel of the military court had given Poland’s freedom and anti-communist fighters after World War II.
Poland protested the rejection, for that reason in 1952-53 when they were given, the sentence of death qualified as a crime against humanity.
Poland also argued that the hero of the nation’s war resistance and anti-Nazi fighters against the communist regime that was enacted and oppressed was convicted of trumped-up charges and false evidence.
Michnik left the military court for another job in 1953 and left Poland in 1969, following anti-Semitic cleansing.
He settled in Sweden and became a citizen there.
He died on Tuesday, the outit said.
His stepbrother on his mother’s side, Adam Michnik, was a leading anti-communist dissident in Poland sent to prison under the regime.
He also served as the main advisor for the Pro-Democracy Solidarity Movement in the 1980s.
Founded by Adam Michnik, Gazeta Wyborcza every day has become a strong critic of the right-wing government who wants to bring Stefan Michnik to Poland and make him triumphant.
In Obit, Adam Michnik said his brother had “suffered a lot in my account, but not because of my mistake.”

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