The Covax 2021 vaccine the shipping target was cut to 1.425 billion doses – News2IN

The Covax 2021 vaccine the shipping target was cut to 1.425 billion doses

The Covax 2021 vaccine the shipping target was cut to 1.425 billion doses
Written by news2in

The global program that provides Covid-19 vaccine to poor countries is on track which almost falls almost 30 percent of the previous goal of 2 billion shots this year, an international organization that runs it on Wednesday.
The Head of the Gavi Vaccine Alliance, who sponsored the Covax program along with the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Coalition for the Innovation of Epidemic (Cepi) readiness, begging rich countries to share more doses.
In a joint statement, the organization blamed the decision to cut the Covax target to 1.425 billion doses in various factors including export restrictions at the Indian Serum Institute (SII), the main supplier.
Manufacturing problems in Johnson & Johnson and Astrazeneca and delays in the review of the rules of shots developed by US biotech companies Novavax and Semanggi Biopharmacy China also injured supplies, they said.
“This is of course bad for the whole world because we have seen the terrible consequences that survive when the virus is left to roam,” said Chief Executive Gavi Setely told journalists in the direction.
“We are unable to delay further” while groups such as health care workers and elderly still need protection in low-income countries, he added.
A joint statement said the milestone of 2 billion doses for Covax is now projected to be beaten in the first quarter of 2022.
More than 221 million people have been reported infected by Coronavirus globally and 4.76 million have died, according to Reuters calculations.
Berkley said countries that have met their domestic needs must lose further volume they have secured.
Some rich countries plan to give third shots, more than worries that the protection of the two standard shots was reduced, but Berkley said there was no scientific validation for the need for expanding booster shots.
“If we have unlimited vaccine equipment, we often use vaccine labels, we can use them in experimental mode, but I think now we need to hold on where they are needed,” he added.

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