The Covid program provides 1 billion doses to poor countries – News2IN

The Covid program provides 1 billion doses to poor countries

The Covid program provides 1 billion doses to poor countries
Written by news2in

Berlin: The World Health Organization said that the sending program that was not supported by Coronavirus Vaccines to many poor countries has now provided 1 billion doses, but the milestone “is just reminders of the work left” after hoarding and hoarding in rich countries.
Shipping of 1.1 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine to Rwanda on Saturday included a billion dose supplied through the Covax program, the UN health agency said.
Which has long criticized the distribution of vaccines that are not the same and called for producers and other countries to prioritize Covax.
It was said that on Thursday, 36 of the 194 members of its members were vaccinated less than 10% of their population and 88 were vaccinated less than 40%.
This program has provided sending to 144 countries so far, “but the work that has entered into this historical milestone is only reminders of the remaining work,” said in a statement.
“Covax ambitions are compromised by hoarding / hoarding in rich countries, disaster outbreaks that lead to the border and supply are locked, ” it was added.
‘The lack of sharing licenses, technology and knowledge by pharmaceutical companies means not used.” At the end of December , which Director General of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreedreyesus urged everyone to make ‘New Year’s resolution’ ‘to get a campaign to vaccinate 70% of the country’s population in early July.
In a newspaper interview published on Sunday, the Minister of New International Development Germany said he was Want to use his country’s presidency this year from seven industrialized countries to ensure that Covax gets the resources needed in 2022.
Unfortunately there are too few countries participating in financing global vaccination campaigns, ” Svulze Svulze was quoted as told the Funke newspaper group.
“ Together with Sweden, Norway, Canada And the US, we are on the ice that gives the most.
Other industrial countries have a significant foundation for catching up.
” Germany said it contributed 103 million doses to poor countries last year and planned to contribute 75 million in 2022.
Schulze hinted that he wanted to expand the help of producing vaccines to produce their own vaccines, with partnerships between companies to produce Vaccines under the license of preferred goals.
Asked whether it would make sense to release the patent on the Covid-19 patent, which was opposed by the previous German government, he replied: “I doubt that developing countries will get vaccines easier if we release patents.” The problem is only a small part.
The production process, he argues.

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