The European Union recommends battles on the green revolution – News2IN

The European Union recommends battles on the green revolution

The European Union recommends battles on the green revolution
Written by news2in

Brussels: EU revealed the plan Wednesday to fulfill the courageous green promise of carbon neutrality in 2050, with the risk of triggering epic political clashes over electric cars and fuel prices.
A dozen legal text drafts are intended to change the European economy of fossil fuel dependence to the world of zero emissions, low pollution and battery-powered transportation.
Compiled by the European Commission, the European Union Executive, the plan effectively prohibits the sale of new gasoline-driven cars from 2035, one of the boldest movements against gas-guzzlers, and which has raised concerns in Paris and Berlin.
The proposal, which will be announced by the European Commission’s environment Supremo Vice President Frans Timmerman, will also try to breathe new life into the EU emissions trade system (ETS), the largest carbon market in the world, where the industry pays the right to pollute.
After being announced, the law will spread their way through the EU legislative system in the midst of trading horse fighting in the European Parliament and among 27 block member countries, egamis with industrial lobbyists and green activists.
Jockei has begun, with strong interest that struggles hard to win special treatment, or extra time, before further European constraints come into force.
Environmental lovers will denounce the law because it is not far enough, with Greenpeace already close “A fireworks featuring garbage dumps” if they go as a proposal.
Some companies, meanwhile, be careful to say they will welcome some plans.
Bernard Looney, CEO of Giant Energy BP said that “changes needed” and that his company will do its part.
Others are afraid of resistance from the general public, even continental replays from “yellow vests” that erupted in France when the government pushed through a new fuel tax on behalf of defending the environment.
Mammoth legislative push is officially known as a “suitable for 55” package, because the central goal is to harmonize the existing EU laws and targets with a reduction in 55 percent net emissions in 2030.
The previous goal was a minimum of 40 percent.
From the 1990 level.
Another pillar will become a carbon retribution that will be paid by non-European companies on the external border of blocks to ensure more dirty imports are not allowed unfair profits.
Levy will be called “carbon border adjustment mechanism” and a company that polluted import goods to the EU must buy carbon permissions, steps that might be hostile to UE trading partners such as Russia, China and India.
To facilitate blows, European rivals from importers, industries such as steel, cement, aluminum, fertilizer and electricity, will see existing free carbon permits.
The source reported serious distrust of the European Commission because the last touch was being carried out on the proposal.
Especially sensitive are steps to impose sustainable fuel and may be more expensive in the sectors faced by the public such as transportation, heating and cooling, and construction.
Other large battles will come from airlines through size to utilize flight fuel for intra-European flights.
Travel destinations such as Spain, Portugal and Greece will expect to defend the proposal.
Previous East member countries, such as Poland, who rely on coal, will hold more stringent emissions reduction targets.
And environmental lovers are not sure of plans to promote natural carbon sinks such as forests and meadows, fear of making efforts to hide the lack of ambition to the source.

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