The European Union said the Taliban Govt was not ‘inclusive and representative’ – News2IN

The European Union said the Taliban Govt was not ‘inclusive and representative’

Brussels: The European Union on Wednesday said the government of “caregivers” launched by the Taliban in Afghanistan failed to respect the oath of the new ruler to include various groups.
“After the initial analysis of the name announced, it does not look like an inclusive and representative formation in terms of Afghan-rich ethnic and religious diversity that we hope can be seen and that the Taliban promises for the past few weeks,” said a spokesman for the European Union.
27 EU countries have set five requirements to increase their involvement with the Taliban – including the formation of “inclusive and representative transitions”.
A spokesman for the block said that “inclusivity and representation is expected in the composition of the government’s transition in the future, and as a result of negotiations”.
Taliban on Tuesday announced the government of the hardline guard that did not have female or non-Taliban members and included key figures under the United Nations sanctions or desired by the United States on charges of terrorism.
Foreign Minister of 20 countries will hold talks on Wednesday led by the top diplomats from the US and Germany who can handle how to approach new governance.
The West has scrambled to find a way forward in Afghanistan after the Taliban seized power after the withdrawal of US foreign troops from the country.

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