The G20 Environment Minister met in Italy in the middle of a flood, fire – News2IN

The G20 Environment Minister met in Italy in the middle of a flood, fire

The G20 Environment Minister met in Italy in the middle of a flood, fire
Written by news2in

Naples: With a raging forest fires in the US and Russia and floods destroy the parts of Western Europe, the environment and the energy minister from the group of 20 industrialized countries gathered on Thursday for two days talks at the November crucial climate change conference.
Italian hosts hope that Naples’ conversation will help spur ambitious goals to be adopted at the COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, which according to the organizers represent “the last best opportunity in the world to get a flee climate change.” Napoli meeting on Thursday and Friday focuses on three main themes: ocean biodiversity and protection; Promoting a circular economy, especially in the fashion and textile sectors; and harmonize the financial system to promote sustainable development.
Communique and press conferences are expected on Friday.
The US climate envoy, John Kerry, attended the Naples Summit and held an initial meeting with the host, Italian Minister of Environment, Roberto Cingolani.
Earlier this week during a London stopped on a European tour, Kerry asked China to join America urgently cut greenhouse gas emissions and describe the international alliance that rebuilt Europe after World War II as a model to combat climate change.
The meeting took place when the forest fires ripped dry land in the US and West Siberia, and when Germany and Belgium continued the cleaning effort after the flood torrents ripped several small cities, killing more than 200 people.
Scientists say that while it is difficult to connect a specific storm for climate change, extreme weather types that cause flash floods will become more severe and often occur in the warming world.
While many countries have promised to eliminate clean carbon emissions in 2050, the inter-government panels of climate change say emissions must be cut at least 40% at the end of the decade to maintain temperature.

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