‘The generation gap increases in Raj during a pandemic’ – News2IN
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‘The generation gap increases in Raj during a pandemic’

'The generation gap increases in Raj during a pandemic'
Written by news2in

Jaipur: Gaper Gap has increased rapidly because the phenomenon of Covid in Rajasthan and parents suffer greatly because of the trends that arise in society.
This was revealed in a study conducted by the Agewell Foundation, an NGO working for the welfare and empowerment of parents where more than 1,500 respondents for 60+ years participated.
According to the survey, 78.3% (1,174 elderly respondents) claimed that because of the Covid situation, the generation gap had increased.
This research was conducted during August and 95% of the elderly acknowledged that their main concerns treated self-health / partner conditions during the survey, 86% of the elderly admitted that they faced or had to face the Covid situation and related problems, while almost half of the respondents said the feeling of loneliness / isolation as The most prominent psychological problem was followed by anxiety.
About 26% of the elderly said disease and poor health were the main source of concern for them.
Another major source of awareness of respondents is the financial impact triggered by a pandemic.
While 16% said they could not get the right treatment / regular medicine, 19% said the education of their grandchildren suffered because of unemployment in the market.
Nearly 12% of respondents are rumored to claim that they must stop / delay their critical medical examination.
Himanshu Rath, Chairperson, Agewell Foundation said, “Because of the pandemic and related restrictions, the generation gap increases in the community, which greatly influences parents who have suffered marginalization, isolation and loneliness in the community.
Because there are no concessions, people who are Older requires guaranteed support, assistance, and all kinds of constant assistance if necessary at all levels.
“During the survey, each 5th respondent (19.5%) said the quality of their lives was compromised due to increased inflation.
Overall, 22% of the elderly claimed that they had to compromise with unhealthy / unhygienic conditions due to price increases and 16% of the elderly claimed that they had lost their savings / investment due to inflation.

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