The increase in calls to the child’s help channel in Mysore – News2IN

The increase in calls to the child’s help channel in Mysore

The increase in calls to the child's help channel in Mysore
Written by news2in

MySuru: Slew from the Awareness Program conducted by Helpline Activists Children have produced results, with the ‘1098’ help channel number enrolling Spurt in a pandemic call.
In the past seven months, activists answered calls conducted for Helpline had attended more than 950 questions and helped prevent marriage from children, getting children who were forced to drop out of school and reunite children, who were considered lost together, their families.
In MySuru, Helpline is managed by personnel who are part of rural literacy and health programs, and activists from the Nersarga Foundation.
Before 2021, the personnel attended 1,100 calls every year, on average, the number has increased sharply after the decision of activists to educate teachers, Asha and Angganwadi about the benefits of seeking support.

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