The Malta government brings responsibility for journalist murders, finding questions – News2IN

The Malta government brings responsibility for journalist murders, finding questions

The Malta government brings responsibility for journalist murders, finding questions
Written by news2in

Valletta: an independent investigation into the murder of the Anti-Corruption Journalist Car Bomb Daphne Caruana Galizia was found on Thursday that the state must bear responsibility after creating “impunity culture”.
Caruana Galizia was killed in a big explosion when she left her house on October 16, 2017.
The prosecutor believed in the Top Yorgen Fenech businessman, who had a close relationship with senior government officials, the murder mastermind.
Fenech, who was waiting for the trial for the association of murder, denied all responsibilities.
Three men suspected of setting bombs was arrested in December 2017.
Someone since then pleaded guilty as part of a bargaining request and serving a 15-year prison position.
The other two are waiting for the trial.
The self-recognized middle man has changed the state witness and given forgiveness.
Demand, which was carried out by a presentation of judges and two pensioners, found that the culture of impunity was created by the highest echelon of power in the current government.
“The impunity tentacles then spread to other supervisory bodies and the police, which lead to the collapse in the rule of law,” the panel report said, published by Prime Minister Robert Abela.
It is said that the country failed to recognize the real risk and directly to the life of the Galizia caruana and failed to take reasonable steps to avoid it.
Obviously, the Question Council said that the murder was intrinsically or directly related to Caruana Galizia’s investigative work.
The former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat resigned in January 2020 after Fenech’s arrest.
He was never accused of making a mistake.
The media then also revealed a close relationship between Fenech, minister, and senior police officers.
The judges called for immediate action to control and regulate the relationship between politicians and large businesses.
Abela said in a tweet that the report needed “mature” and objective analysis.
“Lessons must be drawn and reforms must continue with a bigger determination,” he said, without describing.
Request to hear proof of the police, government officials, family and journalists Caruana Galizia, among others.

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