The man who was arrested inside the Windsor Castle on Xmas Day was believed to be seeking Jallianwala revenge – News2IN
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The man who was arrested inside the Windsor Castle on Xmas Day was believed to be seeking Jallianwala revenge

The man who was arrested inside the Windsor Castle on Xmas Day was believed to be seeking Jallianwala revenge
Written by news2in

LONDON: A man who was arrested by armed police in Windsor castle land carrying an arrow and detained under the mental health law was believed to be an Indian Sikh who wanted to kill the Queen in revenge on Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in 1919.
Armed police responded to security violations At 8:30 a.m.
on Christmas Day in the Windsor Castle and arrested a 19-year-old man from Southampton about the suspicion of violations or violations of the site that was protected and had an offensive weapon.
The queen was having breakfast at the castle at the time and other royal family members were present.
The man has since been split under the mental health law.
The suspect has not been named by the police but the British newspaper named him as India Sikh Jaswant Singh Chail, known as friends as a suit, who allegedly uploaded a pre-recorded video to Snapchat 24 minutes before the arrest where a masked man, claimed Chail, said Chail, said Chail He intended to kill the Queen.
In the video obtained by the Sun, posted to Chail friends on Snapchat at 8.06 in the morning, a masked man holds black weapons, wearing a mask inspired by Star Wars and Hoodie, and using distorted sound, saying: “I’m sorry I’m sorry for What I have done and what I will do.
I intend to kill Elizabeth, Queen of the Royal Family.
This is a revenge for those who have died in the Jallianwala Bagh 1919 massacre.
It was also revenge for them.
Who was killed, humiliated and discriminated against because of their race.
I am an Indian Sikh, Sith.
My name is Jaswant Singh Chail, my name is Darth Jones.
“In the Star Wars fictional universe, Sith is an ancient enemy of Jedi and devoted to the dark side of the style.
There is a framed image of Darth Malgus from Star Wars behind the man in the video.
Darth Jones can refer to American actor James Earl Jones, who voiced Darth Varden in Star Wars film.
Together with the video is a message that says: “I apologize to everyone I deed or lied to.
If you have received this then my death is near.
Please share this with anyone and if you might get it to the news if they are interested.” According to the report News, semi-family home-separated £ 500,000 (RS 5 Crore) from the Chail family in Southampton was searched by police on Christmas Day.
Chail’s father, Jasbir Singh Chail (57) told MailOnline: “There was something wrong with our son and we tried to find out what.
We did not have the chance to talk to him but tried to make him help he needed.
From our perspective, we will experience It’s difficult times.
We tried to solve this problem and it wasn’t easy.
“The suspect studied barbed fence on a long journey with a rope staircase and entered the castle land, immediately triggered the security process.
He didn’t enter any building.
Following the search for the suspect, the arrow was restored.
A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police told TII: “The question of the full state of this incident was being developed by a metropolitan police specialist operation.
Following the arrest of the man, detective assesses the contents of the video.
We are not ready to discuss further.” Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place at the Baisakhi meeting on April 13, 1919 in a historic park close to the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

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