The Minister of Law called a meeting to discuss the development of the judicial infrastructure – News2IN
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The Minister of Law called a meeting to discuss the development of the judicial infrastructure

The Minister of Law called a meeting to discuss the development of the judicial infrastructure
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Law Minister Kiren Rijiju has held a meeting of all state law and the Union (UTS) region next month to track the development of judicial infrastructure with mission mode, mainly improving conditions in subordinate courts.
This problem was raised by the Chairman of the Indian Judge N V Ramana last week during the inauguration of the construction of Aurangbad’s bench Bombay High Court.
CJI has made a lower court condition where he said the court complex 26% did not have a female toilet while drinking water allowance was only available in 54% of them.
Rijiju agreed with CJI’s concern, showing how the union cabinet recently approved the Rs 9,000 Crore to increase judicial infrastructure throughout the country (from 2021-22 to 2025-26).
He said this problem reached one of the highest priorities of his government.
“But this cannot be done without the help of countries.
It is their responsibility to provide not only the basic infrastructure in the court complex but also the salary of the judge, including the Judge of the High Court,” he said, added that he had to take the state.
Meeting of the Law Ministers will discuss the development of the time of the development of the field, housing for judges and all the basic facilities needed in the court complex.
“Thousands of judges still live in rented accommodation, how it is acceptable,” said Rijiju and hoping that the willing meeting with the Minister of Law will bring concrete results.
From RS 9,000 Crore approved by the center under a scheme sponsored centrally for judicial infrastructure, the center share is Rs 5,307 Crore, the rest will be contributed by the state.
Rijiju said there were currently more courthall (20,054) than the judge in the subordinate court.
More than 4,000 courthalls have been added in the past seven years, he said.
The working strength of the judges at this time in the subordinate court was 19,343 against the strength of sanctions of 24,490.
However, there is a shortage of more than 1,500 quarters of housing for serving judges.
The minister said there had been a good progress in increasing judicial infrastructure for years because now a litigand did not need to go to the court complex to submit a case to pay the court fee.
All of this can be done online sitting at his house or in the office.
The digital court has been made possible with the government ecourts project which is currently in the third phase and is being carried out with the help of the Supreme Court.

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