The new England mask rule began as Johnson under fire over the party – News2IN
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The new England mask rule began as Johnson under fire over the party

The new England mask rule began as Johnson under fire over the party
Written by news2in

LONDON: Tighter restrictions on curb Coronavirus come into force in the UK on Friday, when the government faces new charges that officials cross the rules they have forced on the nation with the last party.
The face mask once again mandatory in the public space in the room in the UK under the steps of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced this week to slow down the spread of the new Omicron virus variant.
The vaccination pass will be needed for nightclubs and big events start next week, and residents will be notified to work from home, if possible.
The emergence of Omicron, which spread rapidly in the UK, has shaken the government’s hopes that vaccination will be enough to keep the virus being examined.
British scientists and officials said Omicron spread faster than the Delta variant which is currently dominant and the possibility of being more resistant to the current vaccine.
It is unclear whether it caused more severe cases, or lighter, from Covid-19.
Along with new restrictions, the British government offers everyone 18 and up one third, a dose of vaccine amplifier to try to slow down the spread of the virus.
Returns Limitations are not favored for many people, and revelations of the rules that are clearly by government officials during difficult winter locking then have increased opposition to new steps.
The government has asked the most senior senior civil servants to investigate several meetings, including the events of December 18, 2020, at 10 Downing St.
The Prime Minister’s office, where staff are reportedly enjoying wine, food, games, and exchanges of lively gifts at a time.
When Pandemic regulations prohibit most social meetings.
Some media outlets reported Friday that one of Johnson’s most senior advisers, Jack Doyle’s communication director, attended the December 18 party and gave awards to staff members.
At that time, he was Director of Deputy Communication.
In his current role, Doyle has directed the government’s public statement about the allegations of the party.
For several days, Johnson’s office denied a party had occurred and the rules that insisted were followed at any time.
The claim was decomposed when the video leaked showed a senior staff member joking about the alleged party.
The most senior official in the video, Allegra Stratton, apologized and resigned on Wednesday.
“It’s a difficult week for the government,” Paul Scully, the British minister of British business, said Friday added that the required investigation to “get to the bottom of the” accusation.
“We want to see beyond doubts that there are no damaged rules, which are guarantees to the prime minister, and that’s what I heard,” Scully told the BBC.
“I’m not there.
I don’t know.” The Christmas Party claims are the latest in a series of allegations of violations of rules and ethics by Johnson and government officials.
On Thursday, the British election supervisor was a conservative party of the Prime Minister of 17,800 pounds ($ 23,500) because it failed to keep the right money from the donor used to renew Johnson’s official residence.
Wes Streeting, a health spokesman for the Labor Opposition Party, said the flow of accusations damaged the trust in the government during the public health crisis.
Streeting blamed Johnson, said “This is untrustworthy, disorganized, dishonesty, which destroys trust in public health measures.” “Boris Johnson’s character and behavior began to weaken a series of various things: standard systems in parliament, legal ways are applied in the country and most importantly, whether the government can convey their messages about public health at a critical time,” Streeting said.

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