The Nobel Prize Return under the pandemic spotlight – News2IN
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The Nobel Prize Return under the pandemic spotlight

The Nobel Prize Return under the pandemic spotlight
Written by news2in

Stockholm: Covid-19 Pioneer Vaccine, Media Supervisors, Climate Activists and Bellarus Opposition Leaders are just a few of them who led to Nobel breeding when the recipient of the latest gifts was announced from Monday against a pandemic background.
Launched 120 years ago, drugs, physics, physics, chemistry, and peace awards created by the Inventor of Sweden Alfred Nobel, as well as a newer economic gift, will be given in Stockholm and Oslo from October 4-11.
While the list of competitors is a closely guarded secret, the Nobelist said the research on Messenger RNA (MRNA), which formed the basis of the Pfizer / Bionontech and Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, was a hot favorite for treatment or chemical gifts.
“It would be a mistake if the Nobel Committee did not give a prize to MRNA vaccine technology,” said Swedish Science Journalist Bjorksten told AFP.
He quoted Lauriates Kariko Hungarian Catalin and draw Weissman from the United States, whose pioneering research led directly to the first MRNA vaccine.
This has been injected by more than a billion people around the world in a race to facilitate the pandemic who has claimed the life of more than 4.7 million people.
Kariko and Weissman have received several awards, including Lasker Prizes in the US, often seen as precursors to Nobel.
Other areas that can be respected include cell communication, how to work the immune system, the discovery of breast cancer genes, epigenetics and antibiotic resistance.
Medical gifts opened the Nobel season on Monday, followed by awards for physics on Tuesday, chemistry on Wednesday, literature on Thursday and peace on Friday.
The economic gift wrapped the Nobel season on October 11.
Among those who produce buzz for peace gifts – the only ones to be given in Oslo – are media supervisors, Belarus opposition leaders and climate campaigners, such as Swedish activists Greta Thunberg.
The prestigious award picture has been hit for the past few years as one of the previous winners, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, became involved in the war.
Another, Aung San Suu Kyi Myanmar, was accused of defending the massacre of Rohingya minority members.
Last year, the World Food Program won.
There is speculation that climate activists are further in line with the world experiencing a deadly weather torrent, from heat waves that melt asphalt to remove floods and forest fires that can be taken.
“This is the most important problem at this time,” said Nobel Histortian Alele Sven.
Other experts believe that time might be right for organizations that fight for freedom of information and journalist rights, such as journalists without borders or committees to protect journalists.
The non-violence opposition to the autocratic regime of Belarus, pioneered by Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, is also seen as a decent winner.
Although previously considered a favorite, the World Health Organization and the Covax vaccine sharing scheme had been hampered by the distribution of Jab which was slow to poor countries.
For the literature prize, which will be announced on Thursday, Punters advised Swedish academies may see further after honoring several European and North American winners.
“I believe they really want to find a genius from the area that was previously ignored,” Jonas Thente said, literary critics at Dagen Dagen Nyheter Sweden.
He suggested “someone with the main interest in cross-cultural experience”, like Chimamanda Nigeria Ngozi Adichie who was 44 years old.
“He might be too young, but he will match the profile.” Some names have been tied up in Stockholm’s literary circle for many years – Hungary Peter Nadas, Margaret Atwood Canada, Syrian poet Adonis and writer Somalia Nuruddin Farah.
Some newer names to appear include Vikram Seth India, writer Liao Yiwu and Mozambique Mia Couto.
Last year, the honor went to American Poet Louise Gluck.
While the nobility of Nobel Laureats is kept secret until last minute, the Nobel Foundation has announced that a sparkling gift ceremony and banquet held in Stockholm in December for Laureates science and literature will not happen this year because of a pandemic.
Like last year, Laureats will receive their appreciation in their home country.
A decision has not been made about the peace gift ceremony held in Oslo.
This year’s winner brings home 10 million Swedish Chronor (only under one million euros, $ 1.13 million), to be distributed if more than one person is respected in a discipline.

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