The number of RS1.57CR found was not mentioned in the NU balance sheet, CA claims – News2IN
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The number of RS1.57CR found was not mentioned in the NU balance sheet, CA claims

The number of RS1.57CR found was not mentioned in the NU balance sheet, CA claims
Written by news2in

Nagpur: The Nagpur University Senate meeting on Wednesday witnessed a few anxious moments when a rented accountant (CA) made a surprising accusation that RS1.57 Crore was missing from the balance sheet for the last fiscal.
Jagdish Joshi, who is a member of the NU ‘Finance and the Account Committee’ , alleged that when he told the representative of Chancellor Subhash Chaudhari that he would report this big difference during the Senate meeting, “NU boss spoke in intimidating language”.
Joshi’s accusation came during a discussion of the annual audit report and the balance sheet submitted by the NU government.
He told the house that when he raised objections to a large number of RS1.57 Crore which was not reflected in the balance sheet, Chaudhari did not allow him to speak.
CA also accused when he told members of other committees that he would increase the problem in the Senate meeting, Chaudhari allegedly threatened him, “said that he could not talk about the internal problems of the committee in public homes”.
“Even the auditor has clearly indicated that RS1.57 Crore is missing from the account, but the NU government failed to act,” Alleged Joshi.
After the direct attack on NU Top Brass, VC and Raju Hiwase Registrar, which was previously posted as a financial officer and NU (FAO) account, initially lost words.
Chaudhari told the house that he had never intended to intimidate or suppress Joshi’s voice and want problems to be resolved at the financial panel level.
He tried to discourage the accusation while stating that the difference in the amount was not a new trend, “as last year’s balance was adjusted the following year”.
VA said, “Nu’s CA has convinced us to adjust the difference in the balance sheet next year.
Many transactions related to the exam cannot be included in the balance sheet because the exam stretches for a longer period of last year due to the Pandemic Covid-19.” According to Joshi, according to Joshi NU has failed to make a bank entry of RS1.28.88,842 in 2020-21Fiskal.
While the RS28,64,964 entry, which should be submitted in March this year, was made in August.
“This has resulted in a difference in RS1.57 Crore throughout the balance sheet.
In addition, NU has not sent a statement of bank reconciliation for January, February and March.
Therefore, transactions that occur in the bank and NU records cannot be reconciled,” he Notify the house.
His support, told him that the Senate was a public house and he could highlight any problems relating to the university, because it was a public body run by the Maharashtra government.
Veteran members also suggest VC to take precautions to avoid such “errors” in the future.

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