The Pope revealed ‘shy’ on the scale of pastor abuse in France – News2IN
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The Pope revealed ‘shy’ on the scale of pastor abuse in France

The Pope revealed 'shy' on the scale of pastor abuse in France
Written by news2in

Vatican City: Pope Francis declared “shame” for himself and the Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday for the scale of child sexual abuse in the Church in France and recognized failure in placing the victim’s needs first.
The Pope speaks during its regular audience at the Vatican about the report released Tuesday which estimates that around 330,000 French children are misused by pastors and other church authority figures from 1950.
“Unfortunately, the amount is quite large.
I want to reveal to the people The victim of my sadness and pain for the trauma they suffered, ‘said Francis.
“It was also embarrassing, our shame, ashamed of me, because the church’s inability was too long to put them in the midst of his worries.” He asked all the bishops and religious tops to take.
All actions needed “the same drama.
Not repeated.
“The Pope also expressed his” closeness and support of his father “to the French priests in facing” difficult tests, “and asked French Catholics to” ensure that the Church remains a safe house for all.

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