The staff informed to empty the quarter, the Indian Workers’ Union warned strikes – News2IN
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The staff informed to empty the quarter, the Indian Workers’ Union warned strikes

The staff informed to empty the quarter, the Indian Workers' Union warned strikes
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Air Indian Union has served a notification of strikes for the issue of being asked to empty their company’s accommodation in Mumbai’s Kalina within six months from the closing date of the divestment transaction.
The AI ​​Union’s Joint Action Committee on Wednesday issued a notification to Mumbai Regional Labor Commissioner, by saying that they could do an unlimited strike from November 2 on this issue.
According to the rules, trade unions must provide two weeks notice before they can strike.
A letter with a notification of strikes said AI employees who lived in the case of the colonya received a letter from the airline on October 5 asked them to provide an effort on October 20, 2021, that they would empty the house within six months of an airline that was privatized.
AI has a colony in Mumbai’s Kalina and Uber Posh Vasant Vasant Vaber.
Asked whether the notice of the strike was only for the Kalina house, an Union Office carrier said the problem with the same thing in Metros.
“All unions are discussing situations in Delhi and Mumbai every day and collectively will make calls with strikes,” he said.
The union said: “Studied that the land where the colony was rented in eternal by the Indian Airport Authority (AAI) to AI.
Aai is the owner and Mumbai International Airport Ltd.
(MIAL) is only a tenant.
There is no reason to empty the colonies quickly and handed over the land to the adani group (which is now a promoter mial).
There are some slums in the land of the airport that has not been presented notice.
The Maharashtra government is the guard of land notes and their permits is very important for the transfer …
“Joint Forum has demanded that employees be 5 October requested a business withdrawn and “employees are allowed to continue to live in their homes to them.
Retirement” from service.
failure where we are left without alternatives besides using an unlimited attack from November 2, 2021, and so on,” he said.
GOM on AI’s divestment on August 9, 2021, decided that AI employees could continue to stay in the post-divestment company residential property “for a period of six months or until the property was connected, which was early.
The right binding …
Financial disincentifs must be formulated for Allows a fast vacation …
“Therefore, employees were asked to provide an effort to ensure the vast staff colony in Delhi Posh Vasant Vihar and Mumbai will allow real estate monetization.
The government has warned that AI employees surpassed airline colonies outside the post-divestment period in Delhi and Mumbai will be slapped with a sentence of Hospital 10 and Rs 15 Lakh, and also charged two-fold market rentals for an unauthorized stay.
This number will be restored from their contributions.

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